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Unité communautaire de protection de la faune

Meet the rhinos!

The 2 bull rhinos that are heading to Sanctuary 2 have long been friends and have often been seen together.

They are:

Rhino no.1:  8 years and 9 months old bull
Ear notched as number 241*
Longer body but smaller in size.
He seems alert and observant.

Rhino no.2:  8 years and 5 months old bull
Ear notched as number 244*
Larger neck, chest and taller.
He seems fiesty and playful.

*This number is to identify the rhino and is not related to the national or local population number

The rhinos were first "boma-ed", or put into enclosures, to be monitored. They have been given supplementary feed and have settled down.

Close up of Rhino - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari
CRCI Capture Malilangwe in Boma day 3 - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari

After a few days the rhinos were  put into a larger paddock and were reunited.

New Rhino at African Safari - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari
2 Rhinos - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari
Rhino in bushes - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari

The rhinos are slowly getting ready to embark on their long, complicated road trip across the country to get to their new home at Mlevu.


As excitement in the communities builds, we are inviting you to be part of their naming process and contribute to the Initiative!

L'unité de protection de la faune communautaire Cobras est un groupe d'éclaireurs, tous originaires des villages locaux. Ils ont été formés aux premiers secours, à l'éducation à la conservation, aux communications, au maniement des armes, au droit de la conservation et à la surveillance des rhinocéros pour être en mesure de mieux soutenir et protéger la faune de la région ainsi que d'atténuer les tensions homme-faune.


Ils mènent des activités importantes, notamment la protection des rhinocéros, les patrouilles à la recherche de pièges, la gestion de la faune, la lutte contre les incendies, l'éducation environnementale et la résolution des conflits homme-faune. Nos Cobras ont été sélectionnés parmi tant d'autres ; leur formation est ardue et ils ont développé des compétences mentales et physiques qui les rendent respectés dans toute la région et inspirent les jeunes générations à devenir des gardiens de la faune.  


Choose a name for rhino 1 and a name for rhino 2.
Use the code where the two names you've chosen intersect to vote in the form below!

Rhino Naming Auction - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari
Naming Auction of 2 Rhinos - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari
CRCI Capture Malilangwe covering the eyes of the Rhino - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari
CRCI Capture Malilangwe blindfolded and monitored Rhino - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari
CRCI Capture Malilangwe offloading into Boma - Hwange National Park Community Rhino African Safari
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